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What Makes our Under 2s Rooms so Special?

Cosy Rooms with Direct Outdoor Access

Our Cubs are cared for in a welcoming and cosy room. The group is small and intimate, allowing the youngest children to get a gentle introduction to nursery life. As well as free play, the children can explore a variety of areas including a sensory space, interactive number and colour displays, home corner, a story area and a mark making table.


They have direct access to their dedicated outside space allowing free flow between inside and outside. This leads directly to a soft surface, all-weather outdoor area and patio.

Sign Language Helps Communication

Young children can communicate before they can talk, and so all of staff are trained in Sign-a-long, a form of sign language. This is used regularly throughout the day, particularly by the younger children who use it confidently both with staff and each other.

We All Eat Together Like a Family

We feel meal times are an important time of the day for the children to learn, share and communicate. Our staff sit with the children, from the youngest baby to our rising 2’s, at low level tables and chairs allowing all children to join in. 


We encourage independence from an early age. This includes allowing our youngest children to choose which finger foods they would like to try, to feed themselves with cutlery, finding their own flannels to wash their faces and begin to learn how to dress and undress for sleep time.

Cubs and Tiggers Sleep Together

After lunch all children settle down on their own sleeping mats for a sleep/rest. A member of staff remains in their room to supervise the children at all times and comfort any who need help to settle. Sleeping together means children get a proper rest as everyone is quiet and they are not missing out. Children can have more sleeps if required, cots and beds are always available to fit with your child’s needs.

Keeping Parents Informed

A member of Cubs staff is always available to talk to you in the morning or evening about your child. All babies under one have daily diaries. These give accurate relevant information about personal care, i.e. bottles, weaning, sleep etc., so you can be sure you know exactly what your child has been up to!


Each child’s Key Person regularly updates individual observations via Tapestry, an online learning journal.

Key Person

The responsibility of the Key Person is to be the first contact during the settling-in process, gathering information and routines during the induction session and the ‘go to person’ for your child’s progress and change to routines. All staff form close relationships with both parents and children allowing continuity of care throughout the room.

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Our Parents Say...

“Our kids love coming here. Their confidence and imagination have improved hugely since coming, along with their speech and interaction skills. We’re all very happy with Happylands.”

“Both my children have really enjoyed it here. Even though my son was 15 weeks premature I totally trusted all the girls with not worries at all.”

“Happylands is a fantastic nursery where children learn so much. The staff are fabulous. Every one of them shows dedication in their roles. We would wholly recommend this nursery as being completely outstanding. We love it!”

© Happylands Nursery Ltd. 

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01905 729900



Happylands Private Day Nursery

Ankerage Green

Lyppard Grange


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